Welcome to the Jessie’s Girls 8th Annual 3k Challenge!

Jessie’s Girls is looking for incredible women who are ready to embark on an 8-week comprehensive fitness challenge to invest into their health, take a deep dive in strength training technique, grow in their knowledge of macro-based nutrition, and connect with like-minded women who are driven!

Your 3k Challenge Registration includes:

  • A BRAND-NEW Jessie’s Girls 8-week training program created specifically for the 3k Challenge: This program will not be available for sale to the general public and can only be accessed by purchasing and participating in the 3k Challenge!
    What all is included in this program you ask!?

    • 5 Workouts per week for the Gym OR Home: 4 strength training workouts (2 upper body & ab days, 2 lower body days) & 1 high intensity cardio workout
    • Weekly Tracking Log to track your progress with nutrition, water intake, workouts, challenge participation and an area to take notes
    • Nutritional guidance to follow a macro-based guidance and details on how to manually calculate the macros that are right for you. 
    • Exercise demo hyperlinks of Jessie performing the exercises with proper technique and equipment for you to reference when doing them yourself
  • Access to the most supportive, empathic, badass community of women: The Jessie’s Girls community is a BIG part of this challenge. There will be a private, female-only, Facebook group just for the Jessie’s Girls 3k challengers to cheer one another on and receive loads of encouragement and accountability. 
  • LIVE weekly classes: Each week of the challenge there will be a live class held on Zoom where I will lead an educational session followed by small group breakout discussions. Topics will range from in-depth program education, personal development, progressive overload, macros, in-depth exercise form demos, Q&A’s, and plenty of fun. Live classes are always recorded in case you can’t make it to the live broadcast.
  • Ambassador mentors and small groups: You will be assigned to a small group led by Jessie’s Girls Am-BADASS-adors who will guide you through the challenge and be your go-to for any questions, tips, and support. You will have access to them in our private Facebook group AND in smaller groups within Facebook messenger. Chat with them live, message them directly in the chat, and bond with your small group. Your Ambassadors are Jessie’s Girls masters and are dedicated to helping you be the best you can be through this challenge!
  • Become a lifetime member of #JESSIESGIRLS: Signing up for this challenge grants you access to the Jessie’s Girls private Facebook group…which means you are a part of this incredible tribe of women for LIFE!
  • PRIZES! $3,000 in cash prizes, loads of supplements, Jessie’s Girls swag and more: Our grand prize winner will receive $1,500, a surprise visit from Jessie to your hometown with a giant check to deliver your prize IN PERSON and spend the afternoon with you, an InnoSupps supplement stack, a $150 Jessie’s Girls gift card, a feature on the Jessie’s Girls website, and a Jessie’s Girls swag bag. Our 2nd place winner will receive $1000, an InnoSupps supplement stack, a $125 Jessie’s Girls gift card, a feature on the Jessie’s Girls website, and a Jessie’s Girls swag bag. And our 3rd place winner will receive $500, an InnoSupps supplement stack, a $100 Jessie’s Girls gift card, a feature on the Jessie’s Girls website, and a Jessie’s Girls swag bag!

You’re about to get stronger from the inside out, learn macros, build habits, and start changing the entire way you take care of yourself. When it gets tough and you want to quit, just remember that it’s supposed to be hard, but it will be worth it. All you have to do is keep showing up. #JESSIESGIRLS

NOTE: There are NO refunds on 3k Challenge Registration after your purchase and once you have been sent your download link for the 3k Challenge Training Program.