Shoulders & Abs - Jessie Fitness

Sunday - July 21st



Warm Up: 5-10 minute cardio or 200 jump ropes External Hip Rotation – 15 reps per side Lateral Band Walks – 20 ‘steps’ per side Bodyweight Squat Jumps – 15 reps Jessie’s tips for this week: This month we have been loosely following MB1 style of workouts. If we were completing MB1, we would be […]


Straight Sets

4 Sets x 12 Reps:

Gym: BB Pause Squat  / Home: DB Pause Squat *3 second pause

Gym: Conventional Deadlift – Barbell  / Home: Conventional Deadlift – Dumbbell

Gym: Front Squat – Barbell  / Home: Front Squat – Dumbbell

Gym: Glute Ham Raise  / Home: Nordic Hamstring Curls *12 reps per leg

Gym: Sissy Squats  / Home: Sissy Squats – Banded
