Here’s the deal, you can do this entire fitness challenge just for the workouts. You can do it just to learn about macros. You can do it for the workouts and macros and, just like all the Jessie’s Girls programs and challenges, you can absolutely change your life and get fit and healthy. But what’s the point of having muscles and eating well if you’re not……..happy? I know this because it is ME. I have built an incredible physique and am a macro gangster. It LOOKS like I have my shit together. But every day I beat myself up and talk negatively to myself because I KNOW I can wake up an hour before my kids do so that I have time to get ready before the toddler tornado…I KNOW I can drink more water…I KNOW I can finish that book…I KNOW I can practice gratitude and get out in nature for a few minutes each day. But……………I don’t. I feel like every day is the same, I’m always rushed, and I’m always looking forward to once the kids are in bed so I can finally sink into the couch, turn the Bachelor on with a glass of wine and *hope* that maybe tomorrow I will finally wake up to that alarm, take 10 minutes out of my day to go for a walk and listen to that audio book I started in February. But I never do. And I know that there are so many of you reading this right now that feel me on this. Of course we know HOW to do these things…but we let other people’s schedules and emergencies derail our own schedules, and we put a million people and things before ourselves. This challenge and the habit and accountability tracker I’ve designed for you is made to begin working the wonderful things that are so good for you into your life. Just small minutes each day, we all have those. If we have 10 minutes to scroll our phones or watch a reality TV show, we HAVE a few small minutes each day to improve our life. And, trust me, I’m a wildy busy mom of two so none of these things are going to include 2 workouts a day plus 30 minutes of personal development. There just ISN’T time for that and what a contradiction it would be for me to build a Jessie’s Girls fitness challenge for you that stresses you out. I’ve tried habit trackers but I never stick with them…and part of that reason is because no one is holding me accountable. That alone makes a HUGE difference. So this challenge, we will begin to introduce small things, track them, and share with the amazing ladies going through this challenge with you. Magic.