What was it like doing the Jessie’s Girls Prenatal Edition?

The Jessie’s Girls Prenatal Edition was amazing! While I didn’t get sick during my pregnancy, I did feel exhausted early on, which is expected when you’re growing a new human (aka the ultimate body-building). With the Prenatal Edition, I was able to get a full, badass workout in, but still have time to rest and recover. The workouts also gave me a much needed burst of energy.

What was your favorite part of Jessie’s Girls Prenatal edition?

My favorite part of the Prenatal Edition was that I was able to complete many of the same lifts I did prior to pregnancy (modified as needed). I loved it because there was no guesswork and my doctor approved everything. I love that women, previously fit or not, can have an active, healthy pregnancy with this program. Mommas-to-be can get down in the weight room too!

What is your favorite Jessie’s Girls program?

I’ve done all of the programs offered now and love them all, but my most favorite is still my original purchase, Muscle Building 1. Being a hard-gainer, the low reps with heavy weight really made a difference on my long muscles (holy muscle pumps!). I loved it so much that I’ve done it three times, going on four!

You always post such amazing recipes, what is your favorite recipe to cook?

Oh my, it’s hard to pick a favorite. I love to cook! I really like taking hearty family recipes and making them macro friendly. I’ve made a great garlic and onion Alfredo sauce out of Laughing Cow cheese wedges. It was delicious!

How do you balance being a new momma and working out?

What they say is true, “Mommin’ ain’t easy!” Balancing a new baby has been a new challenge for sure, but I do what I can, as long as the days are on my schedule, but for one-hour a day, I do dedicate time to myself. I usually get my workouts in when baby is napping or goes down for the night. Thank goodness for my garage setup. If she wakes up, my husband and I will take turns comforting her. Meal prepping may take a little longer with cuddle/nursing breaks, but I am determined to get it done! Planning in advance saves me so much time and ensures that I hit my macros, otherwise I’d fall way behind. Baby carriers are also a serious life saver during prep time. The bonus is, she is getting an early start on her culinary skills… future macro chef in the making.

What is it like being a Jessie’s Girl ambassador?

Being a Jessie’s Girl Ambassador has been an awesome experience.This fit family changed my life in so many ways, so to have the possibility of being part of someone else’s story just blows my mind and makes my heart so happy. I want all women to feel the way I do now… it feels good to feel good in your own skin! The behind the scenes of Jessie’s Girls is cool to see. You wouldn’t believe how much time, love and effort Jessie and her Ambassadors put into the Facebook community. Plus, who wouldn’t want to chat with “THE Jessie” of Jessie’s Girls everyday?

What is your fitness goal for the remainder of the year?

This year I’m really working on strength versus physique. Two years ago was the year of abs, last year was the year of belly bump and booty… this year, I just want to lift some heavy weight! I’ve been using my postpartum recovery time to work on perfecting form during lifts. I know this will make all the difference in hitting PRs when I get back to muscle building.