Foot Placement for a Fine Figure

When it comes to building muscle and shaping your physique, things can get very complicated. It does take a strategic plan, consistency and time to make the changes – but, sometimes, all you need is a simple tweak to change things up.

Training Strategy

Let’s talk legs. I’ve written many times about my strategy behind structuring your training routine for maximum results. (Read it “Build Your Foundation”.) It’s important to build the bigger picture of your workouts in the way I discussed in that article, but what is just as important is form and technique during those lifts and exercises.

Key Leg Exercises

My two favorite exercises for leg development are the squat and the leg press. And, believe it or not, I actually spend more time leg pressing than I do squats. If we are comparing, squats will always be queen, because of their capacity to recruit so much more than just your legs (core, back, energy systems, stability, etc). Squats are part of my regular leg training routine, but I leg press much more often. I have achy knees so I feel like I can work harder in the leg press without compromising them. Also, I really like that I can practice many different variations and foot placements without worrying about falling on my face.

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