What is your favorite Jessie’s Girls Training Program?

Asking me my favorite program would be like asking a mom which kid was her favorite. If I have to choose one, I would go with Muscle Building 1. I’ve completed it four times and keep going back to it. The workouts always make me feel like a beast and so strong.

How did you discover Jessie’s Girls?

About six months into my weight loss journey, I became serious about lifting weights and working on my diet. I started following several IFBB pros on Instagram, and Jessie was one of them. She always seemed so real & genuine in her posts. Once she released her first two programs, I took the plunge by purchasing Bikini Body 1 and never looked back. I owe so much to the Jessie’s Girls programs.

What has been your favorite part of your fitness journey?

Besides the obvious answers of loving the changes in my body and getting strong AF, my absolute favorite part of my transformation has been watching my self-confidence grow and develop. I finally love me for me. There is something so empowering about becoming a strong confident woman.

What are your upcoming fitness goals?

My upcoming fitness goals are nothing extravagant. As summer comes to a close, I want to start working on really building up my strength again. I plan on starting Muscle Building 1 to help me achieve that goal and really focus on my macros.

How do you balance the long hours of nursing with working out?

It definitely is not easy working night shifts and trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It took some time for me to learn what works best for me and my schedule. I made working out a priority for me. Once that happened, it became almost easy to make it fit into my life. I now have my planned routine for when I do my long stretch of shifts. I never have to worry about getting my workout in when I already have it planned into my day. It really comes down to how badly do you want to reach your goals.

What motivates you to workout?

Most days, I am pretty self-motivated to go to the gym. I love the gym and the way it makes me feel. However on the days I’m just not feeling it, I use a combination of excessive caffeine, cute gym clothes and rap music to push me.

What does being a Jessie’s Girl mean to you?

Being a Jessie’s Girl means everything to me. It has shown me that I can achieve my dream body goals while enjoying tacos, donuts and pizza. It has taught me how to push myself in the gym and accomplish those tough goals. It has brought so amazing people into my life and some of my closest friends. It has literally changed my life.

Learn to love yourself just like Danielle. Click on the button below to learn more about Muscle Building 1, Danielle’s favorite Jessie’s Girls program.